Vision: To be a home for Muslims and the spiritually curious

Mission: Sacred Roots works to nourish a community of Muslims rooted in the teachings of the Prophet (ṣ) and his Family (ʿa). We connect people of various backgrounds and experiences and together explore the spiritual and intellectual heritage of Islam through acts of devotion, study, and service.

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Our Story

As invested members of the Muslim and American communities, we seek to be a part of the broader effort to preserve the legacy and heritage of the Islamic tradition. Over many years, we have been participants and observers of numerous movements, institutions, and mosques that have created the bedrock of the Muslim experience in America. Our goal is to augment those existing efforts by creating a space for learning and spiritual growth in the heart of Chicago. 

In addition to offering a conveniently located space, we seek to serve the needs of spiritual seekers in the community. Our aim is to navigate, explore, and render the Islamic tradition within the fabric of the culture of the city. This involves applying Prophetic principles to the spiritual, social, and cultural challenges that beset the American Muslim community.  Our hope is to embody this enterprise through practice, first and foremost, followed by intellectual inquiry, and service.

Board of Directors

Ahmed S.

Brad Rajek

Nour Razzak

Saif Kazim

Trenton Carl


Core Principles


To foster an atmosphere that embodies commitment to Islamic conduct, etiquette, and decorum

A Spirit of Openness

To cultivate an environment that is open to all Muslims, people of other faith traditions, and people without affiliation with a faith tradition


To preserve and navigate the Islamic tradition as lived by the Prophet and his Family

Community Engagement

To engage the needs of our local community 


To create a culture that fosters meaningful and lasting connections between individuals from diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences 

Meet our Community Scholar and Executive Director

Shaykh Trenton Carl is a graduate of the Ahl al-Bayt Islamic Seminary, where he studied the core traditional Islamic curriculum. He works with several Muslim educational initiatives, is an editor of the Seminary’s publication, al-Sidrah, and is a director of the Seminary's summer education program, L.I.F.E. (Living Islam Faithfully and Ethically). 

He received a B.A. in Islamic World Studies from DePaul University. While at DePaul, he was active in several student organizations and served on the board of UMMA, DePaul’s Muslim student organization. After graduating, he worked as a research and teaching assistant in the Islamic World Studies Program at DePaul University under Dr. Aminah McCloud. Trenton, originally from Houston, now resides in Chicago with his wife. 

For any questions, comments, or concerns you can reach him at:

(312) 834-7379