RSVP | Sponsor | Virtual (~5:30 start) | Youth and Children Sign-Up
Imam ʿAli b. Abi Talib was the spiritual master of his time: the protector of the Prophetic Message, the supreme teacher of the path after the Prophet’s death. Join us to celebrate his birth and carry on his legacy with prayer, reflections, and dinner.
As we journey through the spiritual high season and prepare for Ramadan, our reflections will focus on Imam ʿAli’s teachings on prayer and its dynamic role in life.
Youth and children’s Programs:
Youth Program (ages 9-16): before the lecture at 5:30:
Use any Nahj al-Balagha sermon or saying of your choice to present through STEAM ((Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) ) - 5 mins or less, examples may include Legos, Coding, Art etc.
Children's Program (ages 4-8): during the lecture in the lower level
Kaaba model painting + stories
We encourage you to fill out this form to help us with the materials and supplies count.